Application and Job reference
Quick and Easy
Ozone has a short half-life and leaves no residues. Therefore, to overcome ozone’s hard-to-detect properties, BioSure provides a simple titration kit – OM-100, which is included in accessories to ensure your unit is actively providing ozone for disinfection and sanitation in various applications you want.
OM-100 includes easy-to-use dropper bottle containing dissolved ozone titration reagent to quickly and effectively establish measures of the presence of dissolved ozone in the sample. Just pour 200 ml of ozonated water into a beaker, combine use of titration until light blue is presented. This measures the ozone concentration in the sample instantaneously by use of drops.
The following sequence of steps is to be followed for OM-100 in product performance validation:

- Take sample of 200 ml using a beaker.
- Apply the OM-100, drop by drop, shake or stir the sample after each drop, until light blue is present in the sample.
- If you have apply 4 drops (for example) to make the sample become light blue, meaning the concentration of sample is between 3 to 4 ppm. (Greater than 3, not enough for 4).
- One drop represents 1 ppm of dissolved ozone (by measuring the oxidation).
Note: You may take 3 – 5 samples at a time for average.
Application and Job reference